Stock Market Tracker helps you track your portfolio and watch US stocks and the global stock market. Live market data from NYSE, Dow 30, S&P, and more.
Build your portfolio and get stock price alerts with the best stock market app for Android.
Real-time stock quotes
for NYSE, NASDAQ, Dow Jones, ETFs, Indices, S&P 500, and more!
Build your own portfolio
and monitor your favorite stocks, indexes, mutual funds, and ETFs
Stock alerts
and notifications for stocks on your watch list
Multiple portfolios
to monitor your investments
Financial data
including open price, close price, daily high/low, 52-week high/low, gain/loss, aftermarket and premarket, end-of-day quote, EPS, P/E ratio, dividend, and dividend yield
Stock charts
and including daily and intraday charts, plus weekly, monthly, and yearly historical charts
Stock market news
for tickers listed in US stock markets
Advanced features
including ROA, ROE, cash flow including FCF and OCF per share, revenue growth, P/B, asset turnover, leverage, stocks tracker, forward P/E, and PEG ratio
Questions or comments? Let us know: We aim to be the best stock market app for Android 🚀